





“Aoshi Kudo ggg Books 99” World Graphic Design (hardcover)
Author: Aoshi Kudo
Publisher: Ginza Graphic Gallery
Distributor: DNP Art Communications Co.,Ltd.
Contents: Works by Aoshi Kudo


“Portrait of a Graphic Designer” (hardcover)
Produced by: Takeo Company Limited
Planning/Editing/Design: Keiko Hirano
Publisher: Shinchosha Publishing
Contents: “Portrait of a Graphic Designer” originated as a public interview project where designers in the forefront of the business interview nine senior graphic designers who were instrumental in building the basis of Japan’s graphic design. Six years after its inception, the project has now been published in book form. Filled with illustrations of works, scenes from the interview and a total of 934 photos, the book recaptures the feel of a live talk show on paper.


“Telomere” (hardcover)
Author: Katsu Nagaishi
Format/Art Direction/Design: Keiko Hirano
Publisher: Kirakusha,Inc.
Contents: A photo collection of the works of photographer Katsu Nagaishi. Keiko Hirano was involved in the format, art direction and design. The book is distributed in three versions, including the regular “tulip” cover and two other limited edition “sunflower” and “cosmos” covers.


“KEIKO HIRANO ggg Books 86” World Graphic Design (hardcover)
Author: Keiko Hirano
Publisher: Ginza Graphic Gallery
Distributor: DNP Art Communications Co.,Ltd.
Contents: Works by Keiko Hirano


“White Book - A written record of my thoughts” (hardcover)
Author: Keiko Hirano
Editing/Book Design: Keiko Hirano
Publisher: Communication Design Laboratory
Contents: Keiko Hirano puts her own design philosophy in writing. The book also serves as part of Hirano’s installation work, “The Design Cycle: Origin, Terminus, Origin” Exhibition.


“Light Navigation” (over size book)
Author: Asuka Katagiri
Editing/Text/Art Direction/Book Design: Keiko Hirano
Publisher: Art Design Publishing Company
Contents: A debut photo collection by photographer Asuka Katagiri. Abstract expressions are revealed through color gradations of light that exist in the natural world and presented in photographs that cut out parts of the skyscape. Hirano was responsible for the editing and design of the book.


“The Principle and Practice of DESIGN” (hardcover)
Planning/Editing/Design: Keiko Hirano
Production: Japan Design Committee
Publisher: Rikuyosha Co., Ltd.
Contents: An innovative project that compiles the contents of “The Principle and Practice of DESIGN” Exhibition in which members of the Japan Design Committee took part in, in book form. Comes with a DVD that contains interviews with all participating members, shot and edited by Hirano.


“Icons of the Times -50 Years of Graphic Design in Japan” (over size book)
Editing/Writing/Design: Keiko Hirano
Production: Japan Design Committee
Publisher: Rikuyosha Co., Ltd.
Contents: A catalog of “Icons of the Times” Exhibition that justified and offered a birds-eye view of the history of graphic design throughout the post-war 50 years. Hirano, who planned and produced the exhibition, wrote the commentaries for the works on display.


“AXIS vol.104” (magazine)
Special Feature: Designing Retail/ Design Management of Distribution and Retail
Publisher: AXIS Inc.
Contents: Keiko Hirano’s portrait appears on the cover and includes an interview with her, as the top article.



